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I worked while I was in Saibaba temple on a beautiful evening

Sairam friends,

I was really tensed from yesterday morning for some reason or the other. I wasn’t able to work on a project Sai inspired to do since I had to take my parents out.

I also feel sleepy when I return home from Saibaba temple late in the night. So I decided to take my laptop to temple, sit in car and do the job. I went to Nagasai mandir, lit 3 lamps and then sat in my car and did started working. There were lots of mosquitoes. Hence, I walked to corner of the varanda and worked few minutes.

I launched a website for the first time sitting in Saibaba temple and I know its based on Sai’s guidance in dream.

Later, I was walking here and there in the temple and felt good.

I was asking one of my friend

“Where would I have gone had I not spent my evenings in this beautiful temple all these years?”

People can go to Mall, Movies, restaurant, friends home etc but you can go to these places every single day. Nagasai mandir in Coimbatore is a gift for myself and some of my friends as we always had a place to go. The only thing I did not do there is to work.

Yesterday, I also started working and I felt happy about it.

I can’t take my Laptop to temple often but atleast on some weekends, I might. This helps me work atleast 30 minutes in temple. Because I usually reach home from temple at 10 PM. After that, I have dinner and wash vessels and then I get bored to work.

I was little upset last night as my Sister messaged me saying she did not got grant for her research work in the recent paper she submitted. It made me really upset.

My whole life is a failure but I can’t bear failure in my Sister’s life.

I was worried about it and told my parents.

Later, my Sister called up at 1 o clock at night which made me relaxed. She said, she will manage and will try to apply for other grant. I asked her to change her strategy and not the goal and she will certainly get grant.

Why I write about Nagasai mandir often? Because in this temple, I have felt freedom. I simply sit or walk around and it makes me feel relaxed. I don’t most of the devotees by name but I smile to them. I don’t smile to few if I find them to be already facing some worries in life. So I don’t feel like bothering them.

Somehow, its a temple I am indebted for lifetime.

Om Sai Ram


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