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You can’t always escape with your driving skills. Please use helmet


While I was on my way to work, I felt like not listening to songs in my car because I get influenced by music and don’t want it to be a distraction. Some of these angry Indian men..he he..drove their bike in my side of the road to over take another vehicle and they came too close to my car. Thankfully, I moved the car aside irrespective of which they slightly touched my car. I myself drive in hurry these days but its honestly not worth it. I am not going to achieve anything reaching my destination few minutes earlier.

The other day, I rode to office too fast when the bus driver showed his hands out to me and scolded. I smiled as I was enjoying the ride. Within few seconds, I thought what the driver had told or thought in his mind about me. Curse right? Why should I allow any one to curse me? As if my life is already good. I decided better to be calm and cool and accept the pace int he road. Once in a while, I try to control myself though it disturbs drivers behind me.

In 2014, I created after the priest in Nagasai Mandir met with an accident and passed away. I had wrote “Drive Slow and Safe” in that micro site and I myself do not follow it these days because I have 2 Oscars and 1 Noble prize waiting for me where ever I go.

I agree all of you are skillful drivers and don’t like it when a vehicle infront of you is going slow. You also don’t want the people coming behind you to suffer because of you. My interest is not making everyone go slow but occasionally when you think its better to calm down, be extra careful.

In the evening, My friend rode my car and we all went to see the new born baby of my friend. While returning from the hospital, it was already dark. In one of these road, we found a bike just met with an accident. 2 Men had got hit in their head and blood was bleeding out. This is the first time I had seen head injury so close in my life. Gradually, some men were gathering to do some kind of help to them. We went past the place but all of us kept remembering and speaking about these men and what fate had in store for them.

They might have been good drivers and also were only in their side of the road. We never know which vehicle hit them too? Their only negligence was not wearing an helmet. They would have escaped just with small injury or fracture had they worn an helmet.

One of this girl kept talking about the incident but I told her instead of feeling pity for these guys, we must encourage our friends to use helmet most of the time they use two-wheeler. Honestly, India is not safe for people who go in bikes and scooters especially since the bigger vehicles are riding too fast for the kind of population we have.

I wish to be a responsible driver and don’t want to bring trouble to any one on road.

Please consider other people who are on road as your team mates

Driving on road happens with strangers. Someone who comes behind you, ahead of you, people riding Two-Wheeler, people on the other side of the road and even pedestrians are your team mates. Irrespective of what these strangers do, you must try to help them and not drive with frustration or anger. I myself have to learn hot to be cool when I drive. You never know what’s in the mind of these strangers and how they plan to move.

Gathering your crowd in front of Hospital’s ICU is not something you must be proud of

I have seen many youngters riding bike and car very casually showing off all their skill sets. Excuse me. You just escape every now and then and I agree you are smart. Certainly, you cannot escape with your driving skills every now and then. If you got hit, your friends will come and stand in-front of ICU and show the mass. What’s there to be proud of it? Now what happened to your driving skills? Can these bunch of friends give back your life or good health to your Mom and Dad?

Power cut and ups beeping. Sai seems to say enough venkat!

Nobody is gonna wear helmet because they have several good reasons to say and the most prominent being, “Hair fall”.

I am going to ask Saibaba beat you with his satka if you don’t weak helmet again on road.

You are in India where everyone are in hurry. So wear helmet.




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1 Comment

  • Such a meaningful article.
    Recently in Bengaluru a girl lost her life in a road accident. She was a pillion rider and all this happened because the rider tried to show off his wheeling skills which went haywhere and it ended up taking her life. This ia very sad and it needs to be monitored. Thank you sir for writing about this!

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