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You must bear all sufferings and be strong internally for Sai to save you from karmic deeds of several births

Sairam friends,

There are several people who mail me saying they are not happy in life. Now a days, I almost stopped reading mails since I can’t show a way personally to everyone. If my articles can’t make you realize the truth, then my mails can do nothing. You must be strong internally and move on with life. You get angry on Sai? Fine. Not all devotees are happy with him but its my request not to leave him. Rest is up to you. Shirdi Saibaba has proved that he is not an “Instant Giver”. If Saibaba wants, he can change my life in a moment. He already told, it takes only 3 minutes for him to do it. Its been 3 years since he told that to me. he he…

So why on Earth, Sai makes all us wait? Why should we struggle in life?

Let me clarify something.

If you are worshiping Saibaba to bless you with a change today, tomorrow or next month, please make yourself strong. Nothing happens so quickly for any Sai devotee unless they have done lots of good deeds in their previous birth. It seems I have done lots of bad stuff in all my past births and Saibaba is making me go through some difficulty for each birth’s bad karma.

As I always said, Its Mathematics

I am supposed to do a good deed for every bad deed I did in past.

Birth No:1 – I would have been a wealthy landlord. I would have got work from lots of laborers but paid them very little that they can’t have enough food every month.

The Law of Karma – He has cheated many innocent laborers. Make him do some business in this birth and give him a big loss. Let him be in debt and suffer the consequences.

Birth No: 2 – I wasn’t that wealthy but I decided to steal some things from a palace, hit a guard and escape. The guard suffered injury on head and his wife suffers for more than a year by going to work with a small kid and everyday she curses the man who hit her husband.

The law of Karma – OK. So he has stolen. Send a thief to his house in this birth repeatedly. Let them steal all he owns. Let them hit his head and escape. Let him suffer without going to work for a year and let his family suffer.

Birth No 3 – In this birth, due to some good deeds, I was born in a wealthy family. I had a happy life but I cheat my wife. I leave her and go behind another women. Firstly, my wife curses me. Secondly, I cannot be true to the other women too. So eventually I have spoiled life of both the women.

The Law of Karma – I get attracted to a beautiful women whom I marry. But she hurts me all my life and I suffer everyday. I get leprosy and I get all kinds of diseases on Earth because I cheated a women. I pray my Guru with heart and soul until my last minute.

And the story continues….I keep doing good or bad based on my desires.

We are basically good but We don’t mind doing anything wrong to get what We want. The same attitude applies to all of us.

We are good in this birth according to us but we never know what our soul carries in its DNA.

Its all recorded.

God or Guru cannot do anything until we go through sufferings, bear it with confidence, complete our karmic bond.

I have wrote the same concept in several different ways over the past 11 years but again I see people getting depressed and worry. Calm down.

You have no other choice but to live strong and work for your better future.

Wake up early, Recite or Sing Kakad Aarti, Light 2 lamps and keep chanting Sai Sai Sai in mind doing your work. Never give up and keep doing something that will make your life good.

Someday, You will realize everything good is happening in your life. There’s always a good way to lead life. We are just not understanding which is the right way for us?

If you remember Saibaba always in mind, Sai will show you a way.

Go to Inspiration Articles and see if something works for you.

You only must take effort to make your life better. So keep going. Life is beautiful.

Om Sai Ram


I am taking all the efforts to change my broadband. Hope Sai gets me the good one so that I can work peacefully. It takes several minutes to post an article and edit it.

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